Lake Erie College’s CORE (General Education) Program
LEC’s general education program is called CORE, an acronym for Checkpoints On Your Road to Empowerment. The word “empowerment” is included by design and aligns with the use of the word in LEC’s vision statement.
CORE Mission Statement:
Lake Erie College provides a personalized education grounded in the liberal arts tradition. Through two categories—Basic Proficiencies and the General Education Curriculum--the CORE is foundational to the study of the liberal arts as it enables students to attain the knowledge and skills necessary to become creative, responsible, and engaged global citizens.
For information regarding how Lake Erie College’s CORE program is assessed to improve student learning, please click here.
Basic Proficiencies
Goal: To enhance the basic academic skills necessary for success in college and beyond. As these proficiencies are foundational courses for success within major and minor fields of studies, students should strive to complete these proficiencies by the beginning of their junior year.
Candidates for all bachelor’s degrees must complete the following courses:
Goal: Students will develop the ability to write effectively with
EN 101 Principles of Composition and Research (3 SH)
EN 201 Advanced College Writing (3 SH)
Goal: Students will develop the ability to present effectively.
CM 105 Fundamental of Public Speaking (3 SH)
Goal: Students will develop a familiarity with a non-English language and an understanding of the cultural contexts in which that language is used as a means of communication. Students must complete the two-semester sequence in the same target language.
Students will complete 2 semesters within 1 language from the options below:
IT 101/IT 101L Beginning Italian I and Language Lab (3, 1 SH)
IT 102/ IT 102L Beginning Italian II and Language Lab (3, 1 SH)
SP 101/SP 101L Beginning Spanish I and Language Lab (3, 1 SH)
SP 102/ SP 102L Beginning Spanish II and Language Lab (3, 1 SH)
LA190 & LA191 Other Non-English Language as Approved (6-8 SH)
Goal: Students will develop the ability to use quantitative reasoning and mathematical techniques to analyze and solve problems. Complete any 1 course from below:
MT 106 Geometry and Statistics for Education (3 SH)
[note: MT 105 is a required prerequisite for this course)
MT 108 Excursions in Mathematics (3 SH)
MT 109 Pre-Calculus I (4 SH)
MT 110 Pre-Calculus II (3 SH)
General Education Curriculum
Through the General Education Curriculum students are equipped with the knowledge necessary for careers as well as gaining the flexibility to face changes and develop the habits of lifelong learning. The courses in the general education section of the CORE encourage self-discovery, creative problem solving, and critical analysis. These courses also may employ interdisciplinary components including communication, creative expression, and cultural awareness. Students are encouraged to consider how each general education choice relates to other courses within the CORE curriculum and to their respective majors.
Critical and Philosophical Literacy
Goal: Students will develop the ability to examine ethical dimensions of human choices and behavior
Complete any 1 course from below:
HON 125 Critical Thinking as a Habit of Mind, Honors (3 SH)
HU 120 Travels Through Time and Space (3 SH)
HU 125 Critical Thinking Through Controversy (3 SH)
PO 201 Introduction to Political Ideologies (3 SH)
PR 101 Introduction to Philosophy (3 SH)
PR 103 Introduction to Ethics (3 SH)
PR 105 History and Philosophy of Science (3 SH)
PR 111 Issues in Western Culture (3 SH)
PR 201 Introduction to Logic (3 SH)
Goal: Students will develop the ability to engage with and analyze literature as a creative means of human expression. Complete any 1 course from below:
EN 140 Principles of Critical Analysis (3 SH)
EN 220 Major British Writers (3 SH)
EN 221 Major American Writers (3 SH)
Global Perspectives
Goal: Students will develop an awareness cultures and values
Complete any 1 course from below:
EDC 216 Social Studies for Elementary Teachers II (3 SH)
GE 101 Introduction to Geography (3 SH)
GE 200 World Geography (3 SH)
IS 200 Peoples and Cultures in Contrast (3 SH)
IT 211 Italian Culture and Civilization (3 SH)
PO 212 Comparative Politics (3 SH)
POP 101 Intro to Pop Culture Studies (3 SH)
PR 238 World Religions (3 SH)
Study Abroad Experience (3 SH)
Natural Sciences
Goal: Students will explore the diversity of scientific methodology and the processes of the natural world. Complete any 1 course from below:*
BI 100 Concepts of Biology (3 SH)
ES 104 Introduction to Environmental Science (3 SH)
CH 100 Chemistry in Context (3 SH)
PC 106 Introduction to Physical Science (3 SH)
SC 115 Science for Elementary Teachers I (3 SH)
SC 125 Science and Society, Honors (3 SH)
*Students who major or minor in biology, chemistry, or environmental science do not take a course in this goal.
Personal and Social Inquiries
Goal: Students will examine how culture, social structure, historical context have an impact on individual perception, action and values.
Pick 1 course from 2 different Goals
Goal: Students will develop an understanding of the techniques and strategies appropriate to behavioral or social sciences.
EC 100 Survey of Economics (3 SH)
EC 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 SH)
EC 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3 SH)
PO 101 Introduction to Political Science (3 SH)
PS 101 General Psychology (3 SH)
SO 111 Introduction to Sociology (3 SH)
Goal: Students will develop an understanding of the principles, structures and processes under which we govern ourselves and exercise our rights and responsibilities as citizens.
EDC 215 Social Studies for Elementary I (3 SH)
PO 110 American National Government (3 SH)
PO 202 Public Policy (3 SH)
PO 205 State and Local Government (3 SH)
PO 210 U.S. Foreign Policy (3 SH)
PO 214 International Relations (3 SH)
Goal: Students will develop an understanding of change and continuity from a historical perspective.
HI 105 American History I: Colonial Times to 1877 (3 SH)
HI 106 American History II: 1877 to the Present (3 SH)
HI 125 Modern World History (3 SH)
HI 132 Western Civilization I: Beginnings to 1400 (3 SH)
HI 138 Western Civilization II: 1400 to 1815 (3 SH)
HI 203 The Bourbon Dynasty (3 SH)
HI 205 African-American History (3 SH)
HI 230 History of Middle East/History of Islam (3 SH)
HI 234 Renaissance and Reformation (3 SH)
HI 236 Ancient Mediterranean History (3 SH)
HI 240 History of Medieval Europe (3 SH)
Fine Arts and Humanities
Goal: Students will engage with aesthetic forms both in theory and practice.
Complete any 1 course from below:
AT 102 Design (3 SH)
AT 103 Dimensional Design (3 SH)
AT 104 Experiencing the Visual Arts (3 SH)
AT 110 Drawing I (3 SH)
AT 114 Sculpture I (4 SH)
AT 205 Ceramics I (4 SH)
DN 104 Dance in its Time (3 SH) GD 110 Fundamentals of Graphic Design (3 SH)
MU 104 Introduction to the Art of Music (3 SH)
TH 104 Introduction to Theatre (3 SH)
TH 106 Acting I (3 SH)
TH 108 Performance Theory and Analysis (3 SH)
TH 210 Physical Training and Performance Techniques (3 SH)